Samstag, 3. August 2013

frauen im [western]kino


Originaltitel/Serie:SHE - The Magazine of Femme Fatale Cinema, 1995, vol. 2, no. 4
Mediendaten:Draculina Publications | Centralia, Il. (US)
Hinweise:In this issue: "Fighting Femmes Of The Wild West": MARLENE DIETRICH, MARI BLANCHARD, JANE RUSSELL, PEGGY CASTLE, LILI ST. CYR, JANE FONDA, BRIGITTE BARDOT, MERRY ANDERS, LISA DAVIS & more; Euro Westerns of the 1960s & '70s; Actress YUNG HUNG, Asian video, "Demon Wet Nurse", "Fuga", "El Festin De La Loba" (Feast Of The She-Wolf), "Mama's Boys", "Fast Getaway 2", "Dead On Sight", "Indecent Behavior", Sorceress", "Nightfire", "Hard Vice", "Playmaker", "Tank Girl", "The Quick And The Dead" and much more
LILI ST. CYR cover
Kommentar:Filmzeitschrift mit dem Porträt einer seinerzeit bekannten US-Stripperin auf dem Cover
Motivkreise: frau, film,